

win map after spawners reach maximum freq. and no minion falls for 2 minutes



level challenges for additional difficuly

corruption level: higher levels increases minion health and makes them darker

digestor specter that digest towers

suporter specter that remove debuffs from minions

suporters specter that shiedls minions

minimions, smaller and faster, spawn in packs of 6

burster turret, shoots in quick bursts, better at hittin flying

UI for game speed, 0.125X, 1X, 2X

quickly restart a level

combinations UI

vertex ambient occlusion

refund turret costs when deleting

clicking on units to monitor their health

customizations for terrain colors

sliders for sound levels and camera sensitivity

death particles and sounds for minions


renamed Vertical towers to Flex

bullet collision on big chungus

better explosion vfx for red projectile

removed debug options from the right menu

building/pausing does not pause music

resources and lost minions counters

balanced spawn logic

cant change laser intensity on playable levels

dont add path highlighters to air nodes


laser-defense-22-09-01.x86_64 47 MB
Sep 01, 2022
laser-defense-22-09-01.exe 46 MB
Sep 01, 2022

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